Fashion Review: Safe Mode in Milan

Advertisement Fashion Review Image Versace, spring 2019.CreditCreditValerio Mezzanotti for The New York Times Sept. 23, 2018 MILAN — In the upper gallery of the Museo delle Culture in Milan, a giant paisley patchwork tree grew bulbous textile blooms and sent its roots snaking over beanbag chairs and up the sides of walls. Women in long…


Norah Lewin, Georges Rouan

Norah Michelle Lewin and Georges Addison Rouan were married Sept. 22 at the Wianno Club, a country club and events space in Osterville, Mass. Rabbi Judith Edelstein officiated. The bride, 33, is a client lead in global sales at the New York office of Google, the internet services company based in San Francisco. She graduated…


May Boeve, David Bryson

Gillian May Boeve and David Dillon Bryson were married Sept. 22 at the Sonoma Valley Worm Farm in Sonoma, Calif. The Rev. Timothy J. Boeve, the bride’s father and a minister of the United Church of Christ, officiated, with Harriet Barlow, a friend of the couple, leading them through their vows. Ms. Boeve, 34, is…
