What’s So Funny About Autism?

My son often asks, “What do you have against jokes?” “Nothing,” I reply. “Well, stop killing them,” he says. He’s 18, autistic, and does standup. He has learned the importance of delivery and timing, skills mastered by the best comics. Despite this, many people believe people with autism are humorless. Tell that to Jerry Seinfeld,…


By the Numbers: Vaccines Are Safe

Billions of doses of vaccines have been given to Americans in the 30 years of the injury program’s existence. During that time, about 21,000 people filed claims. Of 18,000 claims that have been evaluated so far, roughly two-thirds have been dismissed because the program determined that the evidence showed vaccines were not at fault. About…


New evidence supports the presence of microbes in the placenta

IMAGE: Dr. Kjersti Aagaard view more  Credit: Baylor College of Medicine Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine previously found evidence that the placenta harbors a sparse but still present community of microorganisms, which they and other researchers speculate may contribute to key functions in pregnancy, including immunity. “There has been some debate about our and others’…


Researchers identify compounds that starve melanoma cancer cells of energy

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Researchers at Oregon State University and Oregon Health & Science University have found a possible counterpunch to the drug resistance of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. The findings, published today in the journal Molecular Carcinogenesis, are important because in the United States alone, almost 100,000 new melanoma cases will…
