Deciphering the equations of life

Research led by the University of Arizona has resulted in a set of equations that describes and predicts commonalities across life despite its enormous diversity. “Our study develops a general theory to study the extraordinary diversity of life using simple rules common to all species. We can further apply these rules to predict specific traits…


BU finds concerns about other painkillers contributed to opioid crisis

Patients with chronic pain caught between cardiovascular concerns about non-opioid analgesics and addiction risks of opioids, likely causing significant unmet need for pain relief. A new Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) study published in JAMA Network Open shows that the decline in prescriptions of non-opioid analgesics–largely NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors–in the early 2000s…


Increasing transparency in the healthcare sector: More might not be better

INFORMS Journal Operations Research New Study Key Takeaways: Increasing quality transparency in the short-term typically improves social welfare and reduces inequality among patients. Increasing transparency in the long-term can decrease social welfare and increase inequality. The best solution is to target public reporting to specific patient populations and incentivize hospitals. CATONSVILLE, MD, December 11, 2019…


Teams of microbes are at work in our bodies. Here’s how to figure out what they’re doing

In the last decade, scientists have made tremendous progress in understanding that groups of bacteria and viruses that naturally coexist throughout the human body play an important role in some vital functions like digestion, metabolism and even fighting off diseases. But understanding just how they do it remains a question. Researchers from Drexel University are…
