Study identifies risk factors for COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality among U.S. nursing home residents

Risks of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection for long-stay nursing home residents were mainly dependent on factors in their nursing homes and surrounding communities, according to a large study led by a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. By contrast, the study found that the risks of being hospitalized with, and of dying…


‘It Felt Like Deception’: An Elite NYC Hospital Charges Huge Virus Test Fees

Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan advertised its “Covid-19 Testing” on a large blue and white banner outside its Greenwich Village division’s emergency room. The banner said nothing about cost. But cost turned out to be the testing’s most noteworthy feature. Lenox Hill, one of the city’s oldest and best-known hospitals, repeatedly billed patients more than…
