GlycoNet awards $500K to five research projects in Alberta

EDMONTON, ALBERTA (Friday, July 12, 2019) – The Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) awarded $500K in grants to five Alberta-based projects between April 1 and June 30, 2019. These funds provided under the Network’s Alberta Partnership Program (APP) were leveraged alongside an additional $744K from partners, including federal funding agencies, provincial funding agencies from outside of…


GlycoNet awards $885K in funding to seven projects to foster glycomics research translation

EDMONTON, ALBERTA (Friday, July 12, 2019) – Between April 1 and June 30, 2019, the Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) awarded $885K in grants to support seven research projects involving 14 researchers from eight universities or research centers across Canada. GlycoNet’s investment was leveraged with $916K in funding from private and public partners. These innovative projects…


Rush unveils quality composite rank

IMAGE: Rush University Medical Center’s chief analytics officer Dr. Bala Hota is the lead author of ‘Disagreement Between Hospital Rating Systems: Measuring the Correlation of Multiple Benchmarks and Developing a Quality… view more  Credit: Rush Production Group Rush University Medical Center researchers have proposed a rating system that standardizes and combines data from five leading hospital…


Presidential award

IMAGE: Matthew Walsh, an associate professor of biology at The University of Texas at Arlington, was named a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) by… view more  Matthew Walsh, an associate professor of biology at The University of Texas at Arlington, was first drawn to environmental sciences and biology when…


New national network aims to improve health of children and youth with special needs

July 12, 2019 – A new research network for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCNet), led by researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital Colorado and Boston Children’s Hospital, will lead, promote and coordinate national research activities to improve their systems of care. Funded through the U.S. Department…


Novel nanoparticles deliver CRISPR gene editing tools into the cell with much higher efficiency

IMAGE: The large complex of gene editing molecules is difficult to deliver into cells from external an external application. Biodegradable lipid nanoparticles deliver mRNA coding for the gene editing molecules into… view more  Credit: From animation by Visual Science and Skoltech ( ) MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. (July 12, 2019) –A research collaboration between Tufts University and the…


New study highlights advantages of living-donor liver transplant over deceased donor

PITTSBURGH, July 12, 2019 – Living-donor liver transplant offers numerous advantages over deceased-donor transplant, including better three-year survival rates for patients and lower costs, according to new research from the UPMC Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The findings, published online today in the Annals of Surgery, highlight…
