Ventilation and Testing Can Help Keep U.S. Schools Open in Fall, Studies Suggest

Several Covid-19 mitigation measures — including improving ventilation, requiring adults to wear face masks and conducting frequent surveillance testing — can help schools stay open and students remain safe, two new studies suggest. The studies, published on Friday, come as many school districts are drawing up their plans for the fall. They also follow the…


People Are Coming Over

I’ve seen a few articles now about the awkward social transition many of us face as more people are vaccinated, and our emergence into a world where we will once again wear shoes and interact with strangers and maybe even attend a party. (Maybe.) My own version of this arrived when friends came over to…


The Gala Season Restarts with Hats Galore

From afar, it looked like a confectioner’s window, a pastry assortment of fanciful forms: mille-feuilles, pecan wedges, fruit tarts and tall layer cakes, lavishly embellished and colorfully glazed. But it was the Frederick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon, popularly known as the Central Park hat luncheon. A fabled rite of the spring social season, it returned…
