Is Shrimp Good for You?

Americans aren’t particularly enthusiastic about seafood. We eat less than half of what a Japanese or Indonesian person does. Less than a third of the average Icelander. But there is one big exception: shrimp. Our appetite for the fat little crustacean has increased for decades, with the average American now eating almost six pounds per…


Say Hello to Our Summer 100

Summer is the best of time of year to cook and eat, by far, with its hissing grills, saltwater-seasoned beach picnics, stone fruit dripping with juice, vine vegetables brimming with flavor and pastel cones of melting ice cream. I love it. In honor of the season, we’re unveiling the Summer 100, the New York Times…


Sun, Sun, Sun. Here It Comes.

The shift to New York City spring follows a familiar pattern: skittishly unpredictable weather leading to uncertain modes of dress. But with the rise in temperature, the style of the city often blooms along with it. It’s marvelous to behold; discarding heavy wools for lighter cottons, short skirts and even shorter sleeves. One of the…


Easy Summer Recipes

More fun, less drudgery. That’s my goal for the summer — and specifically for my summer cooking. In my dreams, I’m whisking together a vinaigrette in a seaside cottage with a big breezy kitchen and a farm stand down the road (think Diane Keaton’s place in “Something’s Gotta Give”). While that’s not the reality for…
