Is It Time to Prune Yet?

Daunted by when to prune which flowering shrub — and how? This short refresher course could raise your confidence level. I know few more masterly pruners than Jeff Jabco, who in June marks 30 years at Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, where he is the director of grounds and coordinator of horticulture. Mr.…


Listening During a Pandemic

Crises have a way of shining a klieg light on the quality and depth of one’s relationships. Following major hurricanes, severe winter storms, electrical outages and terrorist attacks such as 9/11, there tends to be an uptick in divorces and breakups, as well as marriages and pregnancies. Lawyers and demographers are already predicting a wave…


Our Ever-Expanding Virus Vernacular

The coronavirus pandemic has upended all kinds of human behavior, including speech. Conversations are mediated by masks and screens, their sentences strung together with new vocabulary: medical terms, political mandates and slang devised to take the clinical edge off. This new vernacular has many people playing virologist in the group chat, with talk of contact…
