We need all health providers proficient in geriatrics; new online curriculum brings us closer

IMAGE: Aquifer Geriatrics, the AGS national online curriculum in geriatrics, is leveraging e-learning and geriatrics’ thought-leadership to advance much-needed training to care for older adults. view more  Among many breakthroughs that have made living longer possible, better health care–and more experts to make that care possible–loom large. Given that all of us are aging, we need…


Moffitt researchers develop tool to estimate genetic diversity and ancestry of cell lines

TAMPA, Fla. – Cancer is a highly varied disease, with genetic differences among different tumor types, individuals and ancestral populations. These genetic differences can impact disease aggressiveness, the type of disease, and the response to therapy. It is important that scientists have proper tools and model systems to study how these variations affect cancer development…


Job indicators drop slightly again for Americans with disabilities

IMAGE: This infographic compares the March economic indicators for people with and without disabilities, showing slight declines for people with disabilities and modest gains for people without disabilities. view more  East Hanover, NJ – April 5, 2019 – In March, job numbers again showed slight declines for Americans with disabilities, in contrast with modest gains for…


New trauma care pathway reduces delirium and likelihood of returning to the hospital

CHICAGO (April 5, 2019): A standardized interdisciplinary clinical pathway to identify and manage frailty in older patients has reduced the rate of one of the most debilitating complications for older patients–delirium–and kept patients from returning to the hospital within 30 days of treatment for traumatic injury. The pathway is being adapted for other surgical services…


Pitt faculty awarded NSF RAPID grant to study local water system anti-corrosion treatment

PITTSBURGH (April 5, 2019) — Two professors at the University of Pittsburgh received an NSF Rapid Response Research (RAPID) grant for $175,000 to study the environmental effects of new anti-corrosion treatments currently being used on Pittsburgh’s lead pipes. Like many cities across the country, Pittsburgh’s water system still uses some lead pipes, and over time,…


Study calculates costs associated with smoking by patients with cancer

VIDEO: Warren discusses the article, “Attributable Failure of First-line Cancer Treatment and Incremental Costs Associated With Smoking by Patients With Cancer. ” view more  A study released today in JAMA Network Open reported that smoking after a cancer diagnosis is associated with substantial additional costs of cancer treatment. Hollings Cancer Center researcher Graham Warren, M.D., Ph.D.,…
