Fashion Review: Burn It All Down

Advertisement Fashion Review Image Rick Owens, spring 2019.CreditCreditValerio Mezzanotti for The New York Times Sept. 28, 2018 PARIS — There’s no good way to write about fashion in the wake of the scorched-earth event that took place Thursday in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington. No respectable segues into focusing on clothes. No agreed-on…


Not All Women Have a Clear Answer for How Sexual Assault Affected Them. That Doesn’t Mean It Had No Effect.

“Can you tell us what impact the events had on you?” Senator Dianne Feinstein asked Christine Blasey Ford during Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. It was the first of several questions aimed at getting Dr. Blasey to outline the toll on her life of a sexual assault that she testified involved Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh.…
