Robert Kraft Awaits Your Judgment

When you find yourself at 77 a billionaire six times over and an N.F.L. team owner practically running out of fingers for Super Bowl rings, there aren’t a ton of opportunities you haven’t already enjoyed. Private jets are your subways. Weekends with pals at $2,000-a-night island resorts are your backyard barbecues. The question “what to…


Mind: Can We Get Better at Forgetting?

Whatever its other properties, memory is a reliable troublemaker, especially when navigating its stockpile of embarrassments and moral stumbles. Ten minutes into an important job interview and here come screenshots from a past disaster: the spilled latte, the painful attempt at humor. Two dates into a warming relationship and up come flashbacks of an earlier,…


City Kitchen: A Ragoût to Remember

Is “ragoût” just a five-dollar word for stew, or is there a difference? To me, the French word sounds more elegant and painstaking. (To be clear, we’re not talking about ragù, an Italian pasta sauce.) And though a ragoût can take many forms, one made entirely of vegetables is something quite special. A good vegetable…
