Sugary Drinks Tied to Shorter Life Span

Drinking sugary beverages is associated with a slightly increased risk for early death, a new study has found. Researchers used data from two large continuing health studies begun in the 1980s that include more than 118,000 men and women. Among many other health, behavioral and diet characteristics, the researchers collected data about their consumption of…


New drug combination shows promise for common pediatric brain tumor

IMAGE: The introduction of everolimus with carboplatin treatment induces DNA damage in tumor cells and kills them. view more  Credit: Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center A new combination treatment aimed at resistant and recurrent low-grade gliomas slowed tumor growth and killed tumor cells in laboratory and mouse models. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center…


Study links perimenopause to accelerated fat mass gains, lean mass losses

FINDINGS The menopause transition, also known as perimenopause, is the time in a woman’s life when hormonal changes lead to irregular menstruation, hot flashes and other symptoms leading up to menopause, when menstruation stops altogether. The researchers found that women undergoing perimenopause lost lean body mass and more than doubled their fat mass. The women’s…


Protecting homes with netting window screens can reduce malaria parasite infection

IMAGE: A typical example of improved housing beside a mosquito-producing rice field in rural Tanzania, constructed using bricks, timber and iron sheeting plus netting screens fitted over the windows. view more  In an article published in Lancet Planetary Health(link is external), a team from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) and the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI),…
