After a Slow Start, Smooth Skating

Sarah Casey Botwinick and Jason Gabriel Pollack were undergraduates at Lehigh University at the same time, though they didn’t meet until post-college, in February 2020, on the dating app Hinge. At first, “it was slow going,” Mr. Pollack said. “It took her a week to answer my messages. I would answer immediately.” “It’s Hinge,” Ms.…


These 18 Designer Diaper Bags Bring the Haute (Mom) Couture

Meg (she/her) is the associate fashion commerce editor at, where she specializes in shopping stories spanning the fashion, home, and lifestyle categories. Over the past three years, she has devoted countless hours to researching brands, testing hundreds (maybe even thousands!) of products, and deep-diving into market and consumer trends. Her favorite job responsibilities consist…
