No smoke, but still hazardous

A technique that can better assess harmful chemicals adds to the analysis toolkit for cigarette alternatives. This pioneering research by KAUST scientists reveals that a tobacco-heating device called “I quit ordinary smoking” (IQOS), emits many more potentially harmful chemicals than those identified by the manufacturer. The IQOS device operates at a lower temperature than ordinary…


Temperament affects children’s eating habits

Parents with temperamental children should pay special attention to helping them develop good eating habits. These children are more susceptible to developing an unhappy relationship with food, researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have found. Temperament is often equated with anger, but it embraces much more. Temperament is the child’s fundamental…


Fluorescence bioimaging

Scientists can monitor biomolecular processes in live tissue by noninvasive optical methods, such as fluorescence imaging. However, the fluorescent dyes used for that purpose are often rather unstable, and photobleaching, lack of specificity, and poor pharmacokinetics are recurrent issues. US scientists have developed a molecular shield that stabilizes near-infrared fluorescent dyes and enhances their functionality.…


New alcohol genes uncovered

Do you have what is known as problematic alcohol use? Then statistically you will also be particularly genetically predisposed to develop e.g. depression and insomnia. And to become dependent on drugs and tobacco. This is shown by a new international study in which researchers from iPSYCH are involved. The researchers have looked at the role…


E.R. Visits Drop Sharply During Pandemic

Emergency room visits in the United States have dropped sharply during the pandemic, underscoring concerns that people with serious medical conditions, like heart attacks, are avoiding hospitals, according to a new analysis released on Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As the coronavirus spread across the United States this spring, visits to…
