The Boys in Their Summer Dresses

It seems fairly unlikely that when Irwin Shaw wrote “The Girls in Their Summer Dresses,” his classic paean to “a million wonderful women, all over the city,” drifting along the pavement as warm breezes tugged at their hems, he could have envisioned a day when those “girls” would as likely be men. Sexist and dated…


Study: Maternal adult characteristics do not predict stillbirth, early neonatal death

University of Illinois Chicago researchers studying birth outcomes in marmoset monkeys found there were no adult maternal characteristics like age or weight gain during pregnancy to predict stillbirth or early neonatal death, but that a mother’s birth weight or litter size were associated with early neonatal death. “Our findings of early life contributions to adult…


Wearable electroencephalogram device gathers reliable sleep data from the ear

DARIEN, IL – Preliminary results of a new study show that a wearable electroencephalogram device that gathers data from the ear measures sleep as reliably as traditional EEG electrodes attached to the scalp. Comparing the distributions of intra-individual neural signature similarities for ear-EEG and scalp-EEG across four nights, results show that the observed mean difference…
