Foods That Cause Acne

Certain foods can be a source of acne. In urban living conditions, with irregular daily routines, lack of sleep, and frequent stress, it can be very difficult to determine the exact cause of skin problems. Among the “suspects” are both poor ecology and an unbalanced diet. However, the one thing nutritionists know for sure is…

What Can I Do About My Lying Twin?

My twin brother and I exchange gifts on our birthday. In recent years, he’s gotten lazy about it. His presents often seem like last-minute efforts. This year was our 30th birthday, so I expected a little more. But when he arrived at my house, he said he’d left my present in his friend’s car and…

Common, serious gut disorder is under- and often misdiagnosed

BOSTON – Patients who regurgitate regularly but without any known cause may have a condition called rumination. Unfortunately, rumination is often confused with other gastrointestinal conditions, which means many patients may not be getting prompt treatment. But a new study by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Neurogastroenterology and Motility clearly describes this syndrome,…