Can Supreme Stay Cool While Going Corporate?

Once upon a time, just as an underground brand called Supreme began to percolate into the mainstream, a prominent style writer characterized its appeal to The New York Times as “a company that refuses to sell out.” A closely held secret of skate kids and streetwear aficionados everywhere, it was insider-famous for its Barbara Kruger-esque,…

Brain Scientists Explore the How of When

Merriam-Webster’s defines a time warp as a “discontinuity, suspension or anomaly” in the otherwise normal passage of time; this year all three terms could apply. It seems like March happened 10 years ago; everyday may as well be Wednesday, and still, somehow, here come the holidays — fast, just like every year. Some bard or…

Treating opioid addiction in primary care helps patients and cash-strapped medical practices

Buprenorphine-based treatment for opioid addiction is in short supply in many areas of the United States. And while many physicians want to offer it, clinics are unsure how to offer buprenorphine therapy in a financially sustainable way. A team of researchers at Harvard Medical School conducted financial cost and revenue analysis for four different approaches…