Delicious One-Pot Wonders With Big Flavor

After reading Yewande Komolafe’s most recent column — the diary of a truly perfect fall day with her daughter in Brooklyn — I started daydreaming about getting a pot of maafé going, scenting my kitchen with sizzling garlic and ginger and simmering tomatoes and peanut butter. Yewande makes the comforting Senegalese stew with plantains, squash,…

Can Cultural Identity Be Defined by Food?

“The food your grandmother cooked, that everybody cooked — suddenly it’s called something else,” Johari said. “It’s convenient for people to say, ‘It’s all shared.’ Of course it’s shared, but please give recognition where it’s due.” AT DAWN, FROM the Southern Ridges, the city was a set of dominoes against a sky of smoked orange.…