Specialty Pharmacies Cater to the Blind and Those With Impaired Vision

In an Op-Ed last fall, Penny Rosenblum, the former director of research at the foundation, described one such obstacle: “‘Drive-thru’ and ‘curbside pickup’ discriminate,” she wrote. “This doesn’t work for those with vision loss. Communities must have alternative plans, be it porch delivery, walk-up or bike-thru.” DeAnna Quietwater Noriega, a writer and a full-time caregiver…

Restaurant Review: Shukette in Chelsea

Shukette is the chef Ayesha J. Nurdjaja’s faster, looser, louder spinoff of Shuka. Both restaurants get their names from shuk, the Hebrew word for an open-air market, and Shukette gets more than that: the commotion and noise, the smell of cumin and charcoal, the head-spinning array of snacks and pickles and dips and skewers and…

Where to Find the Heart of NYC Style

For style lovers, fashion is the heartbeat of New York City. Of course, many different aesthetics make up the landscape, and each neighborhood has its own distinct style sensibility. Crisp tailoring and classic silhouettes define the Upper East Side. On gritty East Village blocks like Bowery and St. Marks Place, the vibe is more eclectic,…

Even the G-Spot is Named for a Man

“Pudendum” isn’t the only questionable term slinking around in the female pelvis. Pull out a map to this region and you face an array of unfamiliar landmarks: Alcock’s canal, the pouch of Douglas, Bartholin’s glands, the fallopian tubes. These are all body parts named in honor of the people thought to have “discovered” them. They…