My Boss Made Me Post This

A Promotion in Name Only My company watched me restructure my team and successfully manage it through an acquisition. Recently, I was promoted to a senior director position. I was formerly managing relative newcomers in my field. Now, I am managing senior managers. As the weeks passed, I never received an official offer letter or…

Besé a mi colega conserje en medio de un montón de basura

“¿A dónde vas?”, me dijo. “La galera está por aquí”. Intenté escabullirme, pero algo en su sonrisa de dientes chuecos me hizo sentir cómoda. “Honestamente”, dije, “la galera me intimida”. “A mí también”, respondió. “Vamos a abordarla juntos”. Mientras comíamos pizza, le conté lo del consolador. “¿Ah, sí?”, contestó. “Yo encontré un contenedor de rollo…

An Olden Persian Wedding Custom Goes Modern

Weddings are steeped in tradition, but where do those rituals come from? “Traditions,” a new column, explores the origins of various wedding customs from around the world. Ever since Mandana Ansari was a little girl, she knew she wanted to recognize her Iranian heritage by having a “Sofreh Aghd” on her wedding day. “I’ve always loved…