Get Away for a Day, No Car Required

Let’s face it: August in New York can be tough. The heat typically rises. The humidity becomes stifling. At times — particularly on weekends — it can feel like the city has emptied out, as those with the means to do so throw on their out-of-office messages and decamp to second homes or rentals outside…

The Best Coffee Break Is an Affogato

Affogato means “drowned” in Italian, and you can drown just about any ice cream. Fior di latte and crema are most popular in Italy, though vanilla and chocolate are also excellent. Dulce de leche would be wonderful, with its caramelized milkiness, as would the bitterness of cherry amaretto. Pistachio is a welcome change from the…

How Parents Can Get Alone Time

If you are asking for alone time in the reactionary way, Dr. Talib said, you can be specific about what you’re stressed about — a change at work or feeling overwhelmed by tasks at home — and be clear that that’s why you need time to clear your mind on your own. There’s also a…

Vaccine side effects remain rare and are outweighed by benefits of vaccination, the C.D.C. reported.

Here’s what you need to know: Construction workers setting up tents outside Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital in Houston on Monday. Officials plan to use the tents to handle an overflow of Covid patients.Credit…Godofredo A. Vásquez/Houston Chronicle, via Associated Press Two court rulings on Tuesday cleared the way for local leaders who oppose a ban by…