Learn to Shuck Oysters at Seamore’s

With so many oyster producers now shipping directly to home addresses, it pays to be schooled in opening them, a worthwhile party trick that requires guidance and equipment. Both are on offer, along with oyster-friendly wine tastings, at Seamore’s in Battery Park City, part of a group of seafood restaurants with locations around New York…

A Plum Crumble That Meets You Where You Are

It’s hard to find the charm in something new when every day can bring unpleasant surprises. So maybe tonight you’re craving something reliable, something that’s soothing to make and puts those overlooked, underappreciated ingredients hiding in the back of your cabinets to use. Maybe you’ll find a box with a final brick of graham crackers…

Tomato Season!

I am not big on preserving. In fact, I’m not big on spending a lot of time on anything in the kitchen that doesn’t turn out to be dinner. But half-bushels of tomatoes appeared at my local farm stands this week, and that’s my prompt to empty the freezer to make room for sauce. Most…

Slow Cooker Central

Hello, and welcome to Five Weeknight Dishes. It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I love my slow cooker. (I’ve used it so much that the temperature markings have worn off, and I’ve had to write over them with a Sharpie.) Slow cookers get a bad rap for many reasons, but, for a…

A Lighter, Brighter Meatball

Meatballs are savory, versatile and easy, but they’re definitely not what comes to mind when I think of “seasonal cooking.” Maybe it’s their long-term relationship with marinara sauce and spaghetti. Hearty and crowd-pleasing, yes. Buoyant and summery, not so much. But these meatballs turn everything on its head. With fresh basil, ground cumin and ginger,…