The Menopausal Vagina Monologues

A recent 12-week study in JAMA Internal Medicine of 302 postmenopausal women found that estrogen (in the form of Vagifem, a vaginal tablet) was about as effective as a vaginal moisturizer (Replens) or a placebo tablet or gel in providing relief. “Estrogen is not some sort of miracle for everyone,” though for some, “I think…

What to do about clogged milk ducts

The breasts contain a series of ducts that carry milk from the mammary glands to the nipples when a woman is breastfeeding. A clogged duct can cause intense pain, swelling, and itchiness. A 2011 study of 117 breastfeeding women found that 4.5 percent experienced clogged ducts at some point during the first year of breastfeeding.…

What causes an absence of menstruation?

Amenorrhea means an absence of menstruation. The term also applies to people who have not started their period by the age of 16, which is called primary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea occurs in people who have missed 3 months of periods. This article explores possible reasons for an absence of menstruation. It also covers when to…