Children’s Safety on Wheels

A 13-year-old patient recently talked to me about the amount of time he spends playing video games (plenty) and about his weight (heavier than he wants, and on the rise). I asked about exercise, and he told me proudly that he rides his bike a lot, now that the weather is good. And then, of…

Medical News Today: Cancer: New compound boosts chemo, prevents treatment resistance

Researchers may have found a way to stop cancer cells from defending themselves against chemotherapy. In a new mouse study, blocking a DNA repair pathway prevented cancer cells from surviving or becoming resistant to treatment. Researchers screened 10,000 drugs and found a compound that boosts cisplatin. Graham Walker, the American Cancer Society Research Professor of…

Combination medication helps patients with type 2 diabetes maintain blood sugar goals

For patients with diabetes, bringing down and maintaining lower blood glucose levels is important to minimize the risk of long-term complications such as nerve damage, kidney damage, an increased risk of heart disease, eye problems, and more. Through a randomized, multicenter clinical trial sponsored by Novo Nordisk, investigators studied blood glucose results for patients assigned…