Why Your Gut Is Your Second Brain

Even Hippocrates argued that all diseases begin in the intestines, including head diseases. But it seems incredible to us: the head and the intestines are not next-door neighbors! However, modern research proves that these two organs are closely interconnected, and the guts are our second brain. In general, the nervous system consists of the central…

How Bad Is Our Pandemic Drinking Problem?

Even before the pandemic began, some Americans were drinking significantly more alcohol than they had in decades past — with damaging consequences. In 2020, researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (N.I.A.A.A.) found that from 1999 through 2017, per capita consumption increased by 8 percent and the number of alcohol-related deaths doubled,…

Researchers identify potential subtype of PTSD

(Boston)–A major obstacle in understanding and treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is its clinical and neurobiological heterogeneity. In order to better treat the condition and address this barrier, the field has become increasingly interested in identifying subtypes of PTSD based on dysfunction in neural networks alongside cognitive impairments that may underlie the development and…