Medical News Today: Bipolar: Physical activity may boost mood and energy

New research, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, found that higher levels of physical activity boost mood and energy levels. The benefits were particularly noticeable in people with bipolar disorder. Being physically active might help people with bipolar disorder fight off depressive symptoms. In the United States, almost 3 percent of adults experienced bipolar disorder…

Medical News Today: Moderate drinking tied to lower risk of hospitalization

New research suggests that moderate drinking may lower the risk of being hospitalized for any cause, including cardiovascular conditions. Drinking in moderation may reduce the risk of hospitalization. The effects of alcohol consumption on health are the subject of much controversy. Some studies have suggested that moderate drinking may reduce the risk of stroke, depression,…

Doctors: What Lies Beneath the Surface

Three years after her acute leukemia was diagnosed, my patient, a woman in her early 40s, came to clinic looking as she usually did: sporting a Ben Roethlisberger jersey, and smiling ear-to-ear when I walked into the examination room. She was from northeast Ohio, along the Pennsylvania border. Her husband, about 15 years her senior,…

15 Facts about Men Women Must Know

Probably the strangest thing about it all is that, after so many centuries, thousands of books of fiction and scientific studies, women still don’t know men (and men don’t know women, either). What’s more, this state of things is pretty well incredible. There are people who boast they do, but can we really rely on…

4 Ways to Be Happier in 2019

After the shouts of “Happy New Year” fade, you can take steps to help fulfill that goal. By Tara Parker-Pope Behavioral scientists have spent a lot of time studying what makes us happy (and what doesn’t). We know happiness can predict health and longevity, and happiness scales can be used to measure social progress and…