Researchers use nanotechnology to develop new treatment for endometriosis

PORTLAND, Ore. – Scientists have developed a precise, nanotechnology-based treatment to alleviate the pain and fertility problems associated with endometriosis, a common gynecological condition in women of childbearing age. Research led by Oleh Taratula of the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy and Ov Slayden of the Oregon National Primate Research Center at Oregon Health…

New therapy could combat persistent joint infections in horses

A new therapy could combat persistent joint infections in horses, potentially saving them from years of pain. Morris Animal Foundation-funded researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) lysate that, when teamed with antibiotics, can eradicate bacterial biofilms common in joint infections. The therapy could also be applied to other species,…

Beauty Tips for Straight Hair

Straight hair usually lacks volume and a long-lasting sensation of cleanliness. How to get this without extensions and a wig? Find a comb with natural bristles You should buy a comb with natural bristles not to damage the structure and prevent static electricity in the hair. It is good to combine the combing process with…