A Guide to Assisted Living

Are you confused about what an assisted-living facility is, and how it differs from a nursing home? And what you can expect to pay? Here’s a guide to this type of housing for older people. What is assisted living? Assisted-living facilities occupy the middle ground of housing for people who can no longer live independently…

A veces separarse es un acto de amor

Un mensaje en la aplicación de citas Hinge pide que escribas dos verdades y una mentira. Podría decir: estuve en una secta cuando era adolescente. Me comprometí tras solo dos meses de noviazgo. Tuve un derrame cerebral a los 44 años, después de poner fin a mi matrimonio de 19 años. ¿La única salvedad? Las…

Life With Minivan

My life is pretty relaxing right now, but there’s a chilling period each day that derails all of my sleekest and sturdiest emotional trains, and that’s the dark corridor between 8:30 and 8:42 a.m., when my two daughters leave for high school. I would offer you details — sounds, mostly; terrifying sounds! — but your…

The Bergdorf Blonde Moves to Park Avenue

The Bergdorf blonde is now taking meetings at the Regency Hotel. Parvin Klein, the veteran colorist who perfected an iconic shade of blonde, has painted her last highlight at the Bergdorf Goodman department store salon. Though the salon space changed hands at least four times during Ms. Klein’s 36 years of employment — Sergio Valente,…