Love Letter: A New Life

“My father was not much of a talker,” writes Brian Frazer. “My mother’s overbearing personality had forced him into a shell — getting more than a word or two out of him was rare.” Find out how Mr. Frazer brought his father out of his shell, and back into the world, in this week’s delightful…

What’s Going on with Reddit?

If you tried to find information on Reddit over the last week, you might have had a hard time. Thousands of subreddits — the individualized communities where people discuss dog breeds, allergies, influencers, dating, and extremely NSFW topics — have gone dark in protest of some recent changes to Reddit’s business model. The platform recently…

A Clever Dinner Hack From a Reader

One of the smartest approaches to feeding a group of opinionated people with different preferences — say, your family — is to make something that’s easy to construct or deconstruct as you like. (Tacos are the reigning champions in this arena.) Last week, I got an email from a reader saying that she makes Niçoise salad…

Why Egusi Is More Than Just a Great Soup

Elsewhere in southwest Houston, Ms. Lakshmi tastes suya, bole, fufu, asun and jollof, tries her hand at pounding yam and practices the art of scooping soup with swallows. She moves from the kitchen at Margaret Chibuzo’s Safari restaurant to the dining room, where she shares egusi soup with the gospel singer Stacy Egbo. Their conversation…