Love and Scallops

I sort of love Valentine’s Day and harbor no cynicism toward it: It’s one of the few days on the calendar devoted to being sweet to others. I know this makes me corny, and I simply do not care. The handmade card on construction paper, the freshly baked brownies, the bowl of spaghetti carbonara —…

Love and Scallops

I sort of love Valentine’s Day and harbor no cynicism toward it: It’s one of the few days on the calendar devoted to being sweet to others. I know this makes me corny, and I simply do not care. The handmade card on construction paper, the freshly baked brownies, the bowl of spaghetti carbonara —…

A Plot Fit for a Rom-Com

For 10 years, Eileen Patricia Fitzpatrick and Robert Mitchell Minondo refused to ruin their close-knit friendship. So they never even tested the waters of romance. But they could only hold out for so long. The two met in 2003 in junior high school — at what was then Intermediate School 30 in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn —…