Where to Drink Wine in Madrid

This comfortable, stylish, neighborhood spot is a great source for beautifully chosen bottles at great prices, like 2021 Camí dels Xops, a savory, saline, focused pétillant naturel from Anima Mundi; a 2020 Fato, a rich, meaty but light-bodied red blend from Eloi Cedó on Majorca; and a spicy, direct 2021 Rioja Viñedos en San Vincente…

The Bald Power of Sinead O’Connor

It was the bald head that became the avatar of a million dreamy rebellions; the shaved pate that bridged the gap between the angry and the sublime. It is almost impossible to think about Sinead O’Connor, the Irish singer whose death was reported on July 26, or her work, without thinking about her hair. Or…