Red Rice and Freedom

Today — Juneteenth — marks the recognition of freedom for Africans enslaved in Galveston, Texas, in 1865, more than two years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Red foods are traditional, and, in the spirit of the holiday, we have loads of brightly hued inspiration for you, whether you make Millie Peartree’s Charleston red…

A Trail Guide for Disabled Hikers

I was well into adulthood when I realized that hiking was an activity that I could participate in. I grew up with multiple disabilities and chronic illnesses and thought being “outdoorsy” was only for able-bodied people. I couldn’t find information about hiking as a disabled person, so I spent a lot of time trying to…

The Art of Wandering While Traveling

Through the ages, would-be saunterers have devised ways not only to escape to the streets, but to be more open to chance. In Alexandre Dumas’s “The Mohicans of Paris,” a character decides which way to go by tossing a fragment of paper into the wind and following it toward whatever adventure awaits. Nowadays, books and…

How Much Fun Can My Work Outfits Be?

This summer, I will be interning in a corporate setting, and I am wondering if you have any tips for dressing appropriately for work while still being able to showcase my personality? I don’t want to make any big fashion mistakes, but I don’t want to look like a drone either. — Erica, Berkeley, Calif.…

A Hot New Tater Tot Casserole

Good morning. Happy Father’s Day to all who celebrate. For those who do, how about this sausage and egg tater tot casserole (above), a breakfast hot dish in the Midwestern tradition, in advance of a long day of chores around the house? It’s very Pelican Rapids, very Sauk Centre — Minnesota nice! And dads will…