Food Trend Predictions for 2024

No one can predict with certainty what we will eat and drink in the new year, but multitudes try. As my own end-of-the-year ritual, I sift through an avalanche of predictions from big food companies, PR firms, restaurant groups and market researchers. And then I get on the phone, interviewing the best prognosticators in the…

Utilizing Online Platforms for Boosting Wine Sales

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the wine industry is tapping into the immense potential of online platforms to revolutionize its sales strategies. With the global wine market boasting a staggering revenue of USD 340.8 billion, the significance of embracing e-commerce, social media, and virtual engagement cannot be overstated. This blog post delves into the…

Seeing Double With the Publishing Twins

One afternoon in August 2020, while staying at her parents’ house in the Hudson Valley, Jean Garnett, an editor at Little, Brown & Company, prepared to meet remotely with the author Chantal V. Johnson, whose novel “Post-traumatic” she wanted to acquire for publication. She had to find a private place to take the call, not…

Angelina Jolie and the Ghosts of New York Past

In later decades, the building housed metalwork and kitchen equipment supply businesses. Don DeLillo wrote Great Jones Street into the annals of American literature in 1973, when he named his third novel after the street. The book’s narrator-protagonist, a disillusioned rock star, Bucky Wunderlick, slums it in an apartment there: “I went to the room…