Addiction Treatment Medicine Is Vastly Underprescribed, Especially by Race, Study Finds

Despite the continuing rise in opioid overdose deaths, one of the most effective treatments for opioid addiction is still drastically underprescribed in the United States, especially for Black patients, according to a large new study. From 2016 through 2019, scarcely more than 20 percent of patients diagnosed with opioid use disorder filled prescriptions for buprenorphine,…

9 Stylish Dogs at Westminster

The Met Gala for dogs, otherwise known as the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, took place on Tuesday. Best in show went to Buddy Holly, a “fetchingly bewhiskered” petit basset griffon Vendéen. Although our Most Styles-ish roundups usually highlight adventurous fashion moments among humans, we decided to extend the same courtesy to our canine compatriots on…