Can Diet Fight Inflammation?

As such, the concept of an “anti-inflammatory diet” does not exist in dietetics. But the general principles of nutrition, which will help to avoid the appearance of inflammation, are widely known and have long been proven to be effective. Today, the so-called “anti-inflammatory diet” has become widespread, which promises to rid the skin of constant…

Do I Really Need to State My Pronouns?

My firm asked all employees to add our pronouns to our email signatures to promote inclusivity. So, I did: “He/him/his.” I am in sales and send out hundreds of outreach emails every week. Today, a potential customer replied: “Not interested.” He said he was “turned off by the unnecessary pronoun thing.” I support inclusivity. But…

Tony Blair’s Long Hair Causes a Stir

What is it with male politicians and their hair these days? After decades — centuries — of nondescript short cuts, their crowning glory has suddenly turned into a form of creative expression. And source of controversy. It often seemed as if no one could top Donald Trump’s incredibly complicated cream puff of a construction —…

Let There Be Lunch!

After thoughts For me, even the sad desk salad may now be a happy one. April 29, 2021 In recent years, lunch has taken a punch. The power lunch of yore became the power breakfast, or among the intermittent fasting class, the power nothing whatsoever. The well-dressed ladies who had made lunch a verb squeezed…

If You Don’t Want to Go, Say No

After thoughts Most social obligations would be best left in the Before Times. April 29, 2021 When I was in my early 20s, my friends started calling me “The Bailer.” I was infamous for making plans and then canceling the day before. Even at the time, I knew this was irritating and ungenerous behavior. But…

Let’s Stigmatize the Internet

After Thoughts It’s time to put our extremely online year (and selves) behind us. By Foster Kamer April 29, 2021 It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone who’s ever been on the internet that — during a pandemic, under several lockdowns — our worst online tendencies, in the immortal words of “Spinal Tap,”…