A Better Way to Take Blood Pressure?

Doctors usually take a blood pressure reading in only one arm, but a new study in Hypertension suggests they should be checking both. The difference between the two readings may be a marker of increased risk for cardiovascular disease — and death. Researchers combined data in 24 previous studies that measured bilateral blood pressure in…

Remembering the Stately Dinners of a Private Club

Since 1872, New York’s Lotos Club, a literature and arts organization founded in 1870 that occupies a townhouse on East 66th Street, has regularly held banquets to honor notables in the arts, government, science, entertainment, sports and the business world. Well-known people tried pulling strings to be the featured guest. The dinners also include elaborate…

Let the Carbs Come to You

Like other wholesale food suppliers during the pandemic, Featherstone Foods in the Bronx, which specializes in baked goods, has suffered a shortfall, with so many of its restaurant and food service accounts now closed. It formed a new company, Bread Basket, to deliver or ship fresh bread to retail customers nationwide. In collaboration with a…

Cheerful Plates to Brighten Dark Nights

There’s a resemblance, mainly in the colors, between Williams Sonoma’s shimmering new line of glass citrus cross-section plates and vintage Depression glass. At a time of year when citrus dominates the fresh fruit aisle, these bring a bright seasonal accent to the table with a charger, a salad plate and a bowl in tones of…

Slurp Ippudo Ramen at Home

Before the pandemic, you could usually count on a line outside Ippudo ramen restaurants, some of which are now open for takeout and delivery. But now you can summon a bowl of one of the chain’s signature ramens any time, with the new frozen kit made in collaboration with Sun Noodle, which is already selling…