Even the G-Spot is Named for a Man

“Pudendum” isn’t the only questionable term slinking around in the female pelvis. Pull out a map to this region and you face an array of unfamiliar landmarks: Alcock’s canal, the pouch of Douglas, Bartholin’s glands, the fallopian tubes. These are all body parts named in honor of the people thought to have “discovered” them. They…

A New Festival Presents Food on Film

FoodxFilm Festival is a new global, virtual festival of food-related documentary films and series, mostly full-length, that examine social issues, agriculture, the environment, the sea and the future of food. It starts on Sunday and continues on Oct. 2 and 3. Among the films are “The Taste of Desire,” a global look at oysters; “When…

De Gustibus Returns to Herald Square

De Gustibus, the cooking school with classes led by chefs, has been at it successfully for more than 40 years. For the past pandemic year their virtual sessions have been popular that even now that the school is returning to in-person instruction in its kitchen at Macy’s Herald Square, the company is offering a remote…

Join the Cider Club

As cider makers continue to hone their craft, food-friendly options have increased exponentially. Poured into stemware, the golden drinks shine at dinner; they are less filling than beer and lower in alcohol than wine. One way to explore a variety of ciders is with the new Cider Society subscription packages, offered quarterly, from Virtue Cider…

Austrian Comfort Food to Go

Café Sabarsky in the Neue Galerie is offering food to take away for the first time. Meal kits serving two offer specialties from Austria, Hungary and Germany, like chicken paprikash and beef goulash, both with spätzle ($58 each); and roasted bratwurst with sauerkraut and potatoes, and Bavarian sausage with a pretzel ($36 each). There’s also…