Vintage Vases Find New Life as Bongs

Kat Briceno, 34, has been smoking marijuana for years but didn’t own a bong until 2017, when they converted an antique vase into a smoking device. (Mx. Briceno uses the pronouns they and them.) Mass-market bongs were just too ugly, “like a piece of hardware” or something you have to hide in the closet, Mx.…

What is MLBB Lipstick?

The most time-honored beauty tips involve some degree of pain: Bite your lips until they redden, or scrub them with a toothbrush, or pinch your fingertips or cheeks. But to find the elusive shade that has come to be known as “my lips but better” — in theory undetectable from natural lip color, but typically…

The Big Tuna Sandwich Mystery

Canned tuna is high in protein, low in fat and by far the most popular shelf-stable seafood in the United States. It can also be mysterious, questionable and scandalous. As The Washington Post reported in late January, Subway — the world’s largest sandwich chain — is currently facing a class-action lawsuit in the state of…

Novel interactions between proteins that help in recovering from brain injury

IMAGE: Mechanism of action of inflammatory activation enzymes of Hevin-calcyon interaction view more  Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST) Patients with brain injury (caused by stroke or trauma) primarily rely on rehabilitation therapy for recovery, as there are no other known effective treatment methods. The rate of recovery from brain injury observed in adults is…

Who Helps Politicians Pick Their Clothes?

I have always wondered how these busy politicians get clothing help: Nancy Pelosi, Jill Biden, Vice President Harris. They cannot possibly take the time to plan their wardrobes. What’s the secret? — Searle, Eugene, Ore. For some reason, the reality that politicians (and their partners) often have help selecting their public-facing wardrobes has always been…