D’Artagnan Enters the Farm Business

As if she didn’t have enough to do, running D’Artagnan — the meat, poultry, charcuterie (and now also seafood) company that sells to restaurants, stores and consumers — Ariane Daguin, a founder and owner of the company, now has a farm, All for One One for All, in the Hudson Valley. Its grand opening to…

Add Crunch With Sea Beans

Sea beans — a thin, dark green, crunchy succulent foraged at the shore — also go by salicornia, samphire, glasswort and in France, where they are more commonly served than in the United States, salicornes. They deliver a sharp, salty bite and though they can be tossed raw in salads, quickly blanching them defuses their…

Pulque Finds a Place on Flatbush

Drive in the highlands in the state of Jalisco, the heart of tequila country, and you’ll see hand-lettered signs at farmhouses announcing the ancient drink pulque, the fermented juice of the agave plant. Pulque in Mexico is also bottled and sold to drink plain or in cocktails. And it has arrived in Brooklyn. At the…

CDC Travel Guidelines: What You Need to Know

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance for fully vaccinated Americans in April, saying that traveling both domestically and internationally was low risk. The long-awaited recommendations were issued by federal health officials after a series of studies found that vaccines administered in the United States were robustly effective in preventing infections in…