Trending: Get a Workout and a Vacation at the Same Time

First came workout boot camps. Then off-the-grid yoga retreats. Next, hotel chains touting celebrity-orchestrated fitness programs. Now, there is another way to travel without leaving your workout behind. Fitness pop-ups in vacation destinations like Capri, Sri Lanka, Goa and Vietnam all offer relaxing getaways combined with exercise options, sightseeing and meals prepared by a professional…

When Weddings Ruin Friendships

Adriana Molello set her best friend up with her future husband in 2014. By the end of the couple’s destination wedding in 2017, Ms. Molello was in tears. And they weren’t happy ones. “We had been good friends since we were born. Her parents are my godparents. I helped her husband pick out her engagement…

Constipation and pregnancy: What to know

Constipation is a very common symptom that many women experience during pregnancy. Some women have constipation at an early stage of their pregnancy, while it does not affect other women until much later on. In this article, we explain why constipation is common in pregnancy and discuss safe treatments and home remedies that women can…