Your Body Is a Wonderland

THE BODYA Guide for OccupantsBy Bill Bryson During the few moments it will take you to read this review, your body will be extremely busy. Your lungs will inhale and exhale about 300 sextillion oxygen molecules. Your bone marrow will create some 200 million red blood cells. Your eyebrows will serve as a buffet for…

Shrimp and Chemicals: What You Need to Know

Whether farmed or wild caught, the cheaper the shrimp, the more likely it is to have been treated with chemicals, particularly sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium bisulfite. Sodium bisulfite is used to keep shrimp shells from undergoing melanosis (also called black spot), which is a darkening of the head and shell after the shrimp are harvested…

Spanx Started a Shapewear Revolution

Sliding into shapewear for the first time feels a little like vacuum sealing oneself. As someone who’d never worn the stuff before, it was, at best, noticeably uncomfortable. At worst, my internal organs felt so squished that I raced to the bathroom to shimmy out of it halfway through the work day. My ill-fated experiment…

The Return of Olive Kitteridge, the Tart, Crotchety, Beloved Curmudgeon

OLIVE, AGAINBy Elizabeth Strout Patrick Melrose, the deeply troubled yet savagely witty character who was breathed into existence by the English author Edward St. Aubyn, seized readers’ attention in no less than five autobiographical novels, published between 1992 and 2012. Frank Bascombe, Richard Ford’s stoic and droll protagonist, propelled four of Ford’s books, beginning with…

My Algorithm Makeover

This is a retail review in which I do not leave my apartment. All of the movements and decisions described take place in my mind or on my phone. Where mind ends and phone begins is sometimes unclear. All you have to know is that wherever I am, I am shopping. Personal Shopper by Prime…

The Co-opting of Modest Fashion

Once upon a time, women’s wear was rife with transparency. With miniskirts and spaghetti-strap dresses and tank tops. With fashions intended to show some skin and combat the heat. Not anymore. Now we have hems that sweep the floor, sleeves that dangle so far down they are practically in the dust and necklines that rise…