Feeding My Daughter

Sammi trailed a spoon through a bowl of hot cereal at the kitchen counter. At 5, she was eating oat bran with hemp milk, for the protein. She stared into the bowl, drawing lines in it as the cereal got colder and the hour grew later. I kissed her duck-fluff hair and murmured, “have another…

How ‘Medicare for All’ Went Mainstream

On June 17, 2016, 15 prominent Democratic Party activists and elected officials gathered in a hotel conference room in downtown Phoenix. Their job was to formulate language for the party platform, which would be adopted at the following month’s national convention in Philadelphia. But the platform-drafting committee also had an unspoken mission: to defuse the…

The $6 Million Drug Claim

PERRYSBURG, Ohio — Dawn Patterson keeps a multimillion-dollar drug in the fridge, next to a bottle of root beer and a jar of salsa. The drug, Strensiq, treats a rare bone disease that afflicted her with excruciating pain and left her struggling to work or care for her family. A year after she began taking…

In Praise of Chicken and Rice

Welcome to the week. Your next newsletter will come from the golden pen of Melissa Clark on Wednesday; Sam will be back after Labor Day. While I still have the floor, I’m going to talk about one of the world’s great recipe genres: chicken and rice cooked together. I love it in all the forms…

Engagement Rings With a Deeper Significance

Shayla Mansfield gets a lot of compliments on her diamond engagement ring. She always has the same response when she does. “Thank you, it’s actually my mother’s ashes,” said Ms. Mansfield, 29, who lives in Viera, Fla., and works for Vivint, a home security system provider. The bride-to-be’s mother, Shirley Mansfield, died Dec. 29, 2017,…

The Best Looks and Street Style from Afropunk 2019

“We See You.” That’s the theme of the 2019 Afropunk music festival which started in Brooklyn in 2005 and has since expanded globally to Atlanta, Johannesburg, London, and Paris. “There is power in acknowledgment, a recognition and acceptance that begins with seeing,” Afropunk’s organizers explained in this year’s official press release. “Not at a glance,…