A Sculpture for Brooklyn’s New Golden Age?

Standing at the newly constructed intersection of Tillary and Adams Streets, near the exit from the Brooklyn Bridge, is a new, 22-foot bronze arm with the index finger pointing skyward. Commissioned by New York City’s Percent for Art program, the permanent sculpture was created by Hank Willis Thomas and is titled “Unity” (2019). Is this…

Cynthia Schmitt, Tracie Palmer

Cynthia Anne Schmitt and Tracie Lynn Palmer were married in a self-uniting ceremony on Nov. 9 in the auditorium of the Bok Building, a former technical high school converted into retail and studio spaces, in Philadelphia. Heather Marg Bracken, a meditation teacher of the couple, led the ceremony incorporating Buddhist traditions. Ms. Schmitt (left), 42,…

Scot Coughlin, David Kesselman

Scot Brian Coughlin and David Kenneth Kesselman were married Nov. 7 at the Women’s National Republican Club in New York. Cyril K. Bedford, a retired civil court housing judge in New York, officiated. On Nov. 4 the couple took part in a ceremony at the same location, led by John Van Ness Philip, a friend…