Biologists find the long and short of it when it comes to chromosomes

A team of biologists has uncovered a mechanism that determines faithful inheritance of short chromosomes during the reproductive process. The discovery, reported in the journal Nature Communications, elucidates a key aspect of inheritance–deviation from which can lead to infertility, miscarriages, or birth defects such as Down syndrome. The research centers on how short chromosomes can…

New treatment offers potentially promising results for the possibility of slowing, stopping, or even reversing Parkinson’s disease

Amsterdam, NL, February 27, 2019 – A pioneering clinical trials program that delivered an experimental treatment directly to the brain offers hope that it may be possible to restore the cells damaged in Parkinson’s disease. The study investigated whether boosting the levels of a naturally-occurring growth factor, Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF), can…

‘Executing Babies’: Here Are the Facts Behind Trump’s Misleading Abortion Tweet

The latest battle in the nation’s continuing war over abortion involves a federal bill called the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Senate Democrats this week blocked the bill from reaching a vote, and President Trump responded with an angry tweet. Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The…

Mind: When the Bully Is the Boss

Senator Amy Klobuchar’s nascent campaign is fending off a stream of stories from former staffers that she was a volatile, highhanded boss who often demeaned and humiliated people who worked for her. She has one of the highest rates of turnover in the Senate. “Am I a tough boss sometimes? Yes,” she said in a…