Cryonics During the Pandemic

When an 87-year-old Californian man was wheeled into an operating room just outside Phoenix last year, the pandemic was at its height and medical protocols were being upended across the country. A case like his would normally have required 14 or more bags of fluids to be pumped into him, but now that posed a…

To-Go Drinks in New York: An Ode

If you missed Thursday’s last call, you’re out of luck: To-go alcohol, one of few upsides in New York’s state of emergency, is officially a pandemic indulgence of the past. And unlike most lockdown-era pastimes, the “walktail” deserves a proper eulogy. Originally intended as a lifeline to shuttered bars and restaurants, takeaway drinks became a…

My Pandemic Hobby? Making Money.

Jenny Eisler learned to knit in the first grade, and was good at it. She also did time as a Girl Scout, which imbued her with an admirable can-do spirit. Consequently, when New York City locked down last spring to stem the spread of the coronavirus, and Ms. Eisler, 25, was stuck in her studio…

A Labor of Love Side by Side

Dr. Jessica Chaplin Fields and Margaret Louise Sensenig have delivered dozens of babies side by side — including for close friends and Dr. Fields’ sister — at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Now they plan to start a family of their own. “I just started labor and delivery and she was an OB-GYN resident,” said…

Christian Slater Is a Still-Life Artist

John Varriano, an instructor at the Art Students League, stood behind Christian Slater’s easel, studying the lines that the 51-year-old actor had sketched. “You have chops, man,” Mr. Varriano said. “You have got to keep practicing, man.” On a steamy June morning, Mr. Slater, spruce in a white denim jacket, black slacks and green sneakers,…