Polyamory Works for Them

The Look Having multiple partners can mean more pleasure, but it’s not always easy. Photographs by Yael Malka Text by Alice Hines Produced by Eve Lyons Image Polyamory breaks a mind-set that Narjesi Tragic, right, calls “the relationship escalator: meet at school, get married, have kids, continue until we get old.” Here, Narjesi is pictured…

How Sound Baths Ended Up Everywhere

Image CreditIllustration by Ema Gaspar By Amitha Kalaichandran Aug 3, 2019 Sit Back, You Are in a Safe Place While you read this article, listen to Diane Mandle, who describes herself as a sound healer, and who uses Tibetan bowls to create her sounds. “Bring yourself back to your awareness,” said Sara Auster, a self-proclaimed…

One in 10 Older Adults Binge Drinks, Study Says

Excessive alcohol consumption is not safe for a person at any age, but it is particularly dangerous for older adults. And according to a study published this week, about one in 10 older adults is considered a binge drinker. “Binge drinking, even episodically or infrequently, may negatively affect other health conditions by exacerbating disease, interacting…

It’s the Anniversary of Everything!

By any measure, the summer of ’69 was, as the kids say today, “a lot.” June had the Stonewall riots, a landmark moment in the modern gay rights movement. July, the moon landing. August, the grisly Manson murders, followed by the endless mud of Woodstock. These events have been fodder for countless songs, movies, university…