cultural studies: The Wheel Thing

Once, roller skating was a family-friendly activity. At the height of the roller skating craze, during the 1970s and ’80s, you went to the roller rink and banged your feet against the wood while dancing to “Don’t Bring Me Down” by Electric Light Orchestra. Or maybe you went to the local theater just to stare…

Naked Wardrobe Is the Affordable Basics Brand the Kardashians and J. Lo Can’t Stop Wearing

Shida Kaviani, Shirin Kaviani, Shideh Kaviani. Those names probably don’t immediately ring any bells, but a mention of the sisters’ popular and super affordable clothing brand, Naked Wardrobe, should do the trick. The label, whose Instagram page boasts over 1.1 million followers, was founded in 2012 on the desire to create basic wardrobe essentials—bodysuits, biker…