When Did Spotify Wrapped Get So Chatty?

“In 2021 you did what you had to do.” “You always understood the assignment.” “You deserve a playlist as long as your skincare routine.” No, these phrases were not uttered by a TikTok star or a cool mom. Instead, they are idioms that appear in the annual data-driven marketing campaign known as Spotify Wrapped. The…

Denzel Washington, Man on Fire

When Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand began rehearsing to play the Macbeths, he asked her how she thought the couple had met. Oh, she replied blithely, the Macbeths met when they were 15. They were Romeo and Juliet, but they didn’t commit suicide. They just stayed married for 50 years. But they didn’t have any…

Remembering the ‘Queen of Cake’

“Cakes are an iconic moment in a wedding,” Mr. Luscia added. The couple’s “represented how we saw our lives and how we saw ourselves: equals, standing side by side as we got married,” he said. Ms. Weinstock attended the pair’s wedding as a guest, and later in the evening, before the cutting of the cake,…

Alok Vaid-Menon Finds Beauty Beyond Gender

Name: Alok Vaid-Menon Age: 30 Hometown: College Station, Texas Now Lives: In a sunny, two-bedroom apartment with ample closet space in uptown Manhattan with a roommate. Claim to Fame: Mx. Vaid-Menon is a gender nonconforming artist, writer and comedian who uses their work to redefine beauty standards, examine colonialism and explore fluid identity. “The word…