Revenge Is Sweet. Revenge Shopping Is A Little More Complicated.

People are shopping like nobody’s business,” marvels Sherri McMullen. As the owner of McMullen, the buzzy Oakland, California, boutique, she would know. Her clients, she says, “are redoing their entire wardrobes.” Refrains she’s heard lately: “‘I don’t want anything in my closet’; ‘I want to redo everything’; ‘Everything’s too dark.’” (Bright colors and prints, she…

A Closet Full of Smart Garments Is the Future

Colin Anderson Productions pty ltdGetty Images If you described your car as a smart device, everyone but Elon Musk might look at you askance. But the modern car really is one, points out Ivan Poupyrev: “It has internet, a map, artificial intelligence, and people you can talk to.” Poupyrev, Google’s director of Engineering, Advanced Technology…

NFTs Are the New Sneaker Drops

On a hot tennis court one afternoon in Houston, former magazine editor Francine Ballard found herself the center of her friends’ attention, though not for her racket skills. In her hand was a Lucite cube containing a QR code, which itself contained an original work of digital art that corresponded to a gold ring of…

The Future of Fashion Is an Ever-Rotating Closet

Archive PhotosGetty Images Every ’90s kid with even a passing interest in fashion remembers where they were when Cher’s digital closet in Clueless made its onscreen cameo. Like a hoverboard for the Nordstrom Brass Plum set, this technological leap implanted fever dreams in all of us—of an ever-rotating, constantly trackable wardrobe, something a number of…