The Best and Easiest Vacation Meal

Out east on Long Island, where I’m spending a little down time, there’s no shortage of fishmongers. You can find a few in nearly every town. Interestingly, on the North Fork, fish shops limit their stock to local catches and shellfish. On the South Fork, in the Hamptons, most shops catering to summer tourists take…

Vacation Must-Cooks

I got an email from a reader named Julia that read, “Dear Emily, I am going away on vacation next week and I have a fantasy that my relaxation will include not being asked ‘What are we doing for dinner?’ every night. So I have a fantasy that I will meal-plan the week.” Julia, I…

For ‘Diagnosis’ Show, Dr. Lisa Sanders Lets Times Readers Around the World Join in the Detective Work

Times Insider explains who we are and what we do, and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. When Dr. Lisa Sanders saw an early version of the forthcoming Netflix documentary series about her efforts to help diagnose the mysterious ailments of eight patients, she delivered what she now readily admits was “badly…